McIntyre Family

McIntyre Family

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Interweb and other Changes

I probably could win some type of award for my lack of internet skills.  Even doing this blog is pushing it for me.  I didn't even begin to text message until a year ago and I did it only out of necessity.                              I miss the days of writing letters. I remember writing notes in college and picking out pretty stationary and licking the stamps.  Nowadays everything is so fast and furious and whatever is easiet.  Forget even writing out a word entirely.  Text messaging has allowed us to forgo human interaction in favor of ridiculous acronyms such as c-ya l8r.  *head hitting desk*  I will continue to write out words entirely.  I am and will be the crotchety old lady who refuses to accept change and waves her finger at this new fangled technology.    Heck, if I had it my way, we'd still use floppy disks.  I thought they were great. 


  1. remember all the awesome stationary in Oki? I still have some! I hang on to it for dear life only busting it out for very special people and occasions. : )

  2. Oh yes I loved the stationary there. And the fun writing utensils like mechanical pencils!! But stamps nowadays are so darn expensive!

  3. I still have all my old floppy disks. I think they'll make a comeback. ;)
