McIntyre Family

McIntyre Family

Friday, October 8, 2010


Well we made it to Atlanta. I can hardly believe we made it in one piece. You see, we took Sam's truck. His 2 door tiny little truck with the suicide doors. We did not want to put the miles on my Pathfinder, you see, so we thought this would be a better alternative.  Well, it took us 6 hours to get here and we only made one stop.  It was a long trip.  Sam's parents are here also. They are spending time with us since Sam is deploying again so soon.  The kids are so happy to see them, and to see their dad again.  Tomorrow we are headed to either the zoo or the aquarium.  I have heard they are both great.  As long as I don't have to be in the car too long, I am happy.

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